
As a fund manager, Naturarkitekterne recognizes the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics on the long-term performance of the funds under its management. As a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment ('UN PRI'), the company is committed to responsible investing and creating value for its investors through high ESG standards.

Naturarkitekterne's approach to sustainability is founded on the strong and consistent link between high ESG standards and value creation. The company's core service is to provide the best possible value on the environment. By selecting and structuring desirable projects with lower risk profiles, and avoiding negative return impacts due to unexpected costs and project delays, Naturarkitekterne maximizes value creation and manages ESG impacts in a responsible and sustainable manner.

To achieve this goal, Naturarkitekterne integrates ESG throughout the investment process and implements ESG at the project level, consistent with its role as a fiduciary investment manager.